Boing Boing Video's Remix of "RiP: A Remix Manifesto"
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Today's episode of Boing Boing Video is a remixed series of snips from RiP: A Remix Manifesto, an "open source documentary" about copyright and remix culture. Yes, a remix of a remix of a remix! We're nothing if not meta around here.
The film includes copyfighters such as Lawrence Lessig, Girl Talk, Negativland, Gilberto Gil, The Mouse Liberation Front — and Boing Boing's own Cory Doctorow.
RiP was some six years in the making, and filmmaker Brett Gaylor is in turn inviting you to contribute to the film by remixing and adding to the conversation. Info on screenings throughout the world here, and Brett invites all of Boingdom to…
Participate in REMIXING TIMES SQUARE at this link. Rotoscope, re-draw, photoshop/illustrate remix times square from a private space to the public domain The results are being compiled and will be screened at the Ann Arbor film festival March 28th! Try the web based video editor – all chapters of the film are available for remix.
The film screened at SXSW last week, and there's a lot of resulting press bubbling up this week. Here's a snip from Indiewire's review:
Brett Gaylor's "RiP: A Remix Manifesto" studies the paradoxes of copyright law and its discontents, but mainly it's a celebration of remix culture in the twenty-first century. Using music sampling artist Girl Talk as his primary case study, Gaylor explores the ways a new generation of artists have uncovered original methods for creating something new from the fabric of something old–and he slyly ties the trend to a consistent aspect of art history. Touching on infamous situations such as the recording industry's sloppy lawsuits against music downloaders, he surveys a wide variety of discussions taking place in both legal and aesthetic circles.
Thanks to the National Film Board of Canada for their kind assistance with today's BBV episode — their landing page for the RiP project is here.
UPDATE: The doc was picked up by a US distributor at SXSW, BSide, and they are arranging "open cource screenings" where people can request the film and get it for free. The URL to request a screening is
Previously on Boing Boing:
* RiP: Remix Manifesto — documentary about copyright and the information age
* Monochrom's love song for Lessig
(Special thanks to Boing Boing Video's hosting and publishing provider Episodic.)