Boing Boing Staging

Amusement park offers surveillance footage of you as a souvenir

Ehrich sez, “Alton Towers, the UK theme park and gardens (where, fun fact, my father was stationed during WWII), has an exciting offering for the whole family.

They’re offering to track you via RFID and sell you (what I’m assuming is) CCTV footage of your day at the park, both on and off rides.

They do say ‘We delete any unclaimed footage at the end of your visit so, if you don’t buy your personalised DVD before you leave, the moment will be gone forever.’

The program is voluntary, but it strikes me as strange that they’d ask you to pay for tracking your movements through the park.

I understand that much of the footage you pay for is prerecorded. I’m not sure how much of ‘you’ one actually gets to see on the DVD.”

It’s YourDay and you’re the star

(Thanks, Ehrich!)

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