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Think fast and be happy

A new study suggests that thinking quickly can boost your mood. It’s not clear precisely why this is the case, but it seems that people believe that fast thinking is a sign of a good mood. Also, thinking quickly might trigger the brain’s dopamine system which is tied to pleasure. From Scientific American Mind:

Researchers at Princeton and Harvard universities made research participants think quickly by having them generate as many problem-solving ideas (even bad ones) as possible

in 10 minutes, read a series of ideas on a computer screen at a brisk pace or watch an I Love Lucy video clip on fast-forward. Other participants performed similar tasks at a relaxed speed.

Results suggested that thinking fast made participants feel more elated, creative and, to a lesser degree, energetic and powerful. Activities that promote fast thinking, then, such as whip­ping through an easy crossword puzzle or brain-storming quickly about an idea, can boost energy and mood, says psychologist Emily Pronin, the study’s lead author.

Rapid Thinking Makes People Happy

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