Boing Boing Staging

Obama Inauguration street vendor ephemera, Venice Beach, CA, 01-18-09.


Link to a few snapshots in my Flickr stream. At top, “ObaMarley” stickers. Best Rastafarian street vendor Photoshop job ever. I bought a few, they were a buck each. And below: in the great procession of American history, Obama will forever stand between George W. Bush and whomever ultimately succeeds his presidency. But on the boardwalk incense stands, he’s right between “Butt Naked” and “Kush.” The other Obamaphemera item I saw but forgot to snap: a t-shirt with our new prez, Malcolm X, and Dr. Martin Luther King. Above their likenesses, in tiny all caps fonts, a la Dr. Bronner soap — the inspirational text began: “YES WE CAN HAS A DREAM.”

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