Boing Boing Staging

So Long, and Thanks for All the Comments

We’ve had an amazing time during our stint as guest bloggers on the ever fabulous Boing Boing. In discussing our experience, we both noted how much we’d actually learned, and we don’t mean in terms of how or what to blog. We mean that the readers and commenters of this blog are smart and knowledgeable, and are generally cheerful in their sharing of this knowledge. So thanks for all the new links, new info, and new insights that we now have swimming around in our heads and on our Stickies.

It was also great fun reconnecting with long lost friends and coworkers, as well as meeting tons of new and interesting people. We hope you’ve all enjoyed our two weeks of blogging even just a fraction of how much we’ve enjoyed it ourselves. And, of course, thanks so much to Mark, Pesco, Xeni, and Cory for this fun-filled opportunity.

As our last offering, here’s a music blog we enjoy checking in on from time to time. Ska Blah Blah points to interesting documentaries and old footage of reggae and ska legends, as well as news about newcomers and the state of today’s reggae and ska scenes. We first heard about a fun band, The Aggrolites from a Small Talk podcast on Ska Blah Blah. And proprietor JJ Loy (also a Make author) recently introduced guest blogging to the site’s repertoire, so who knows, maybe we’ll land another guest blogging gig sometime in the future!

(Shawn Connally and Bruce Stewart are guest bloggers)

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