Boing Boing Staging

Boing Boing Gadgets at CES: Video Report Recap

At long last, Joel, Rob, Brownlee, and the Boing Boing Video team (myself included) have departed CES and arrived at our respective homes. While we bathe in espresso this morning, and shake off the accumulated Vegas cruft, here’s a recap of our video coverage produced from the floor of the annual electronics show last week. I hope you enjoy watching our “work” as much as we enjoyed all that “hard work” together producing them. Do also check out this blog post from Q-Burns Abstract Message, whose work we used in those episodes. He runs a label called Eighth Dimension Records, and we featured other artists from that label, too. – XJ

CES Videos on Boing Boing Gadgets:
* CES Video: Asus Netbookstravaganza, with Bamboo, Gold Lamé, and Lamborghini (MP4)
* CES Video: Palm Pre Hands-On with Joel and Brownlee, post-review huddle with Ars Technica (MP4)
* Boing Boing Gadgets at CES: Video Report, Day Two (MP4)
* Boing Boing Gadgets at CES: Video Report, Day One (MP4)

Or, watch them on YouTube with goofy annotations for maximum lulz:
* BB Gadgets @CES: Asus Netbooks, with Bamboo, Gold Lamé, and Lamborghini.
* CES: Palm Pre Hands-On with Boing Boing Gadgets, post-review huddle with Ars Technica
* Boing Boing Gadgets at CES: Day 2 Report
* Boing Boing Gadgets at CES: Day 1 Report

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