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Offworld 20: 2008's Best Indie and Overlooked Games

Over at Boing Boing Offorld, Brandon has presented the Offworld 20: 2008’s Best Indie and Overlooked game titles. What you won’t find in this list are Fallout 3, Grand Theft Auto 4, Spore, or any of the other usual suspects. (I was delighted that Minotaur China Shop made the cut! Also on the list, Crosswords/2Across, ROTOHEX, N+, Rolando, and plenty more… From Offworld, where you should weigh in with your picks too:

Covering every current platform (PC/Mac/Linux, PSP, PS3, Xbox 360, DS, iPhone, N-gage), the 20 isn’t just a list of independently made and under-appreciated games, it’s a list of the games that celebrate what makes Offworld Offworld: the beautiful and the bizarre, and the games trying to push the medium forward and give us something we’ve never seen before, in whatever incremental way.

In it you’ll find time-manipulators, slacker assassins, satellite viewed superheroes, vector vegetation, bubble blowers and balls of tar, techno invaders and spirits of the wind, and, refreshingly, not one single space marine.

The Offworld 20: 2008’s Best Indie and Overlooked Games

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