Free copies of Van Jones's "The Green Economy" — HOWTO create sustainable green jobs

I met Van Jones in 2007 — a community organizer and campaigning civil rights lawyer from Oakland — and he was on fire with his new plan: to create "green collar" jobs that would put real, sustainable work in the grasp of people whose lives were being destroyed by the death of America's manufacturing sector. He had a really good, crunchy pitch, filled with credible stats about the efficiency of spending on green job creation — and he also had a well-thought-through logistical plan for getting there.

Now Van's published a book on the subject, The Green Economy and now he's offering ten free copies to Boing Boing readers, through the link below (the form will stop working once ten people have signed up — they're not harvesting addresses). Of course, you can also just buy a copy, or check out the videos of Van speaking,

The Green Economy on Amazon, Free copies of The Green Economy, Van Jones on GFA America, Van Jones: It's Simple