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John Law's The Space Between

My friend John Law is a legend of San Francisco’s underground culture. He’s perhaps best known publicly as the co-founder of Burning Man, but he’s done much more during his thirty years of high weirdness in the Bay Area. In 1977, he was part of the Suicide Club, a Dadaist group of urban explorers and adventurers that eventually led to his co-founding of the Cacophony Society (and Burning Man). These days, he’s involved with Laughing Squid, Survival Research Laboratories, and other more covert prankster activities. John is also a writer of short stories, and Furnace Press has just published the first collection of his tales. Titled The Space Between, it’s a short compilation of three stories inspired by John’s fascination with bridges. An excerpt is available online. I can’t wait to read the whole thing! Congratulations, John! From the book description (photo by Scott Beale/Laughing Squid):

An avid urban adventurer and bridge historian, the author shares his passion for these engineering marvels while delving into their potential to fuel our dreams, fears, and nightmares. Part dreamscapes, part adventure tales, these narratives take the reader on an exploration of bridges to inspire their contemplation on a structural as well as metaphysical level.

John Law’s The Space Between

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