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Stanley Donwood, Famed Creator of Radiohead Artwork, Starts a Record Label

The man known most widely for his Radiohead-related artwork (album covers, posters, t-shirt and merch designs, stuff that lives on the web) is launching an independent record label. Stanley Donwood explains:

SIX INCH RECORDS‘ is a project that may take a little explaining. The story begins around the time of Christmas 2006, when I drunkenly decided to become a record label boss. Every man needs a hobby, or so the cliché has it, and if I was going to make a late-stage attempt at normality then that was one of the things that I should do. So, still reeling from red wine, I typed out a email to three musicians that I knew, suggesting that I release their music on my as-yet-unnamed record label.

Do read the entirety of Donwood’s own introduction. Like everything he does, the project sounds kinda complicated, a little crazy, most intricately conceived, and very interesting. I’m a big fan, and I can’t wait to hear the music he’s curated here. The Six Inch Records launch party takes place in London on January 30th; tickets are £6.66. LOL, Satan. (via the excellent Radiohead fan-blog GreenPlastic, and Rex — thanks!)

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