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Boing Boing's Holiday Gift Guide part two: Fiction

Here’s part two of my Boing Boing Holiday Gift Guide — wherein I list the bestselling items that have been reviewed here in the past twelve months. Today, it’s fiction. Don’t miss yesterday’s Kids’ stuff and stuff about kids post, too! (Note that some of these titles appeared on yesterday’s kids’ list — I wasn’t sure how to handle cross-referencing for items that qualified for more than one list, so I just duplicated them for people who wanted to dive straight into the fiction list — say — rather than picking through the kids’ list too)

Rewired: The Post-Cyberpunk Anthology
(John Kessel and James Patrick Kelly)
Post-Cyberpunk Anthology shows how sf has changed since the Mirroshades era
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Halting State
(Charles Stross)
Halting State: Heist novel about an MMORPG
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(Neal Stephenson)
Neal Stephenson’s underappreciated masterpiece
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Wastelands: Stories of the Apocalypse
(John Joseph Adams)
Anthology of apocalyptic fiction
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Futures from Nature
(Henry Gee)
100 short-short sf stories from Nature Magazine
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The SFWA European Hall of Fame: Sixteen Contemporary Masterpieces of Science Fiction from the Continent
(James Morrow and Kathryn Morrow)
A chance to read sf from outside of the Anglo Bubble
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Little Brother
(Cory Doctorow)
My bestselling young adult novel about kids who hack for freedom
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The Starry Rift
(Jonathan Strahan)
Science fiction anthology for teens
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(Ann and Jeff VanderMeer)
Steampunk: the anthology
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(Bruce Sterling)
Bruce Sterling’s visionary novel Distraction: still brilliant a decade later
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The Yiddish Policemen’s Union: A Novel
(Michael Chabon)
Wonderful blend of hard-boiled and Yiddish ironies
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Cory Doctorow’s Futuristic Tales Of The Here And Now
(Cory Doctorow)
A six-edition series of comics adapted from my short stories by an incredibly talented crew of writers, artists, inkers and letterers
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Goodnight Bush: A Parody
(Gan Golan, Erich Origen)
A Goodnight Moon satire for the electoral season
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Saturn’s Children
(Charles Stross)
Stross’s robopervy tribute to the late late Heinlein
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Crooked Little Vein: A Novel
(Warren Ellis)
Comic net-perv novel that would make Goatse blush
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Random Acts of Senseless Violence
(Jack Womack)
Unflinching, engrossing, difficult coming-of-age story
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Boy Proof
(Cecil Castellucci)
A compassionate young adult novel about a weird, smart, angry girl
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(Lauren McLaughlin)
Smart YA novel about sex and sexuality
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(Neal Stephenson)
A great story, set in an alternative reality where people take long-term thinking seriously
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The Armageddon Rag
(George R.R. Martin)
Sex, death, blood and rock-n-roll
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How to Ditch Your Fairy
(Justine Larbalestier)
Hilarious kids book about the problems with fairies
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(Terry Pratchett)
Moving and sweet young adult novel about science, superstition and decency
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The Graveyard Book
(Neil Gaiman)
Spooky, magical retelling of The Jungle Book in a graveyard
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The Forever War
(Joe Haldeman)
Classic anti-war sf novel to be a Ridley Scott film!
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Zoe’s Tale
(John Scalzi)
Scalzi’s smart-ass young-adult sf thriller
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Liberation: Being the Adventures of the Slick Six After the Collapse of the United States of America
(Brian Francis Slattery)
A magical road-novel about America in collapse, Bradbury meets Kerouac
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