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Boing Boing tv Update: Virgin WiFi, Obfuscated Code, Comment Poetry, Downfall Housing Remix

In this week’s Boing Boing TV update:

* VIRGIN AMERICA LAUNCHES IN-FLIGHT WIRELESS: Our wireless tech reporter pal Glenn Fleishman was on the first Virgin America flight with airborne WiFi service. BBtv caught up with him over video chat from a Virgin America Airbus A320 aircraft (named “My Other Ride Is A Spaceship”) 35,000 feet above San Francisco. Also joining us: Jack Blumenstein, the CEO of Aircell, the company providing the “GoGo” air/ground 3G connectivity. The bottom line: no content filtering on Virgin, so you can visit any blogs you like, and they will not block streaming content or video. But, voice over IP will be blocked because the general consensus among airlines and travelers in the US seems to be that nobody wants other people on the plane to be talking on the phone when you’re all confined to close quarters. Disclaimer: we really like Virgin America, in part because they carry Boing Boing tv in their in-flight entertainment system.

* BB COMMENT THREAD POETRY CONTEST: Teresa Nielsen Hayden, aka She Who Disemvowels, announced a fun game/contest recently — write some poetry inside the comment threads using “natively BoingBoing” themes. We can has a winner.

* OBFUSCATED CODE CONTEST: here’s Joel’s blog entry announcing the Safari Books / Boing Boing contest. The idea: write a string of “obfuscated code” that generates the words “Boing Boing.” Here’s the winner, and here’s another example we thought was rad.

* DALE DOUGHERTY IS GUEST BLOGGING: He’s been checking in from Banff, and I’ve particularly enjoyed his posts from there about snow, glaciers, and snowman newlyweds.

* DER UNTERGANG HOUSING BUBBLE REMIX: Mark spotted it last week, and lulz rang out throughout the land. One of many we dug.

Here’s a downloadable MP4, and here is the BBtv blog post with instructions for subscribing to the Boing Boing tv podcast.

Special thanks to Q Burns Abstract Message for the track that appears in today’s ep, UNCERTAIN T, courtesy Eighth Dimension Records.

Below: a snapshot from that Virgin America WiFi flight. I spy Brian Lam of Gizmodo, and Glenn Fleishman, and a few other familar blogging faces!

UPDATE: Hey, what kind of sites exactly was Gizporno’s Brian Lam websurfing on that plane? Zoom in a little… wait.. there we go. AHA. Below, the reveal.

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