“The biggest fuck-up with killing people, if nobody, if nobody got told then nobody would’ve slipped information,” he added.
I was reading this story of a Calgary murder trial in Toronto’s Globe and Mail and I was surprised by the above quote. I’m not used to seeing “fuck-up” in a newspaper but then again I’m reading mostly American newspapers. Not only would the obscenity cause problems for American editors, but the grammar would give them another reason to reject the quote. It’s a choice between decency and realism, and I liked the Globe and Mail’s choice, which gives me greater insight into how this awful man thinks and acts.
I can’t resist summarizing the crime story, which is tragic, but it sets up another astonishing quote from this 25-year-old murderer. He and his then 12-year-old girlfriend killed her family because they didn’t want him seeing her. These cold-blooded killers fled but were caught, presumably because they told friends how to find them. On the way to a psychiatric evaluation, the man gave details of the murders, bragging to a fellow traveller who was an undercover cop. He was already thinking about what life would be like with his girlfriend after prison.
He ruminated about their plans once they get out to have a “gothic wedding,” move to Germany, buy a castle and raise a couple of kids. He talked almost proudly about the notoriety the murders had given them. “Me and my old lady have become legends,” he said.