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Janet Napolitano as Homeland Security chief? "We could do worse"

Reason’s David Weigel thinks Arizona Governor Janet Napolitano (rumored to be Obama’s pick) wouldn’t be a bad choice for Secretary of Homeland Security. My favorite part of Weigel’s piece is his assessment of Rudy Giuliani:

I think history has already forgotten Battlin’ Bernie Kerik, the laughably corrupt and mobbed-up cop whom Rudy Giuliani commended to George W. Bush as a great replacement for Ridge. Kerik’s nomination caught fire like styrofoam in a microwave, and we as a nation got the first clue that Giuliani had been replaced at some point in 2001-2004 by a strange, bald cyborg that needed to recharge batteries by making inopportune phone calls to its “wife.”

Dammit, Janet, I Love You

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