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Jonestown, 30 years later: Life and Death of People's Temple (PBS video).

Of the many television and film documentaries produced on Jonestown, the 2006 PBS American Experience feature Jonestown: Life and Death of People’s Temple, directed by Stanley Nelson, seems to me the most sensitive and comprehensive. I read somewhere that Jim Jones’ adopted son — who appears in this film — also feels that way. Google Video embed above, and here’s the link. Amazon Link to purchase DVD, and here is the PBS website, with additional background.

Boing Boing posts on Jim Jones, Jonestown and People’s Temple:

Jonestown, 30 years Later: Inside People’s Temple, the 1977 exposé.
Jonestown, 30 years later: original audio recordings from People’s Temple and Guyana.
Jonestown, 30 years later: Life and Death of People’s Temple (PBS video).
Jonestown, 30 years later: interview with a survivor (video)
Jonestown, 30 years later: From Silver Lake To Suicide
Jonestown, 30 years later: “Father Cares,” NPR documentary from 1981
Raven: The Untold Story of The Reverend Jim Jones and His People
Andrew Brandou on his Jonestown paintings

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