Boing Boing Staging

Reporting from Banff for BoingBoing

I’m doing my guestblogging assignment this week while in Banff National Park in Alberta, Canada. I came here to give a talk about Make and makers at Digitel (Digital Game and Intelligent Toy Enhanced Learning), by invitation of Mike Eisenberg of University of Colorado at Boulder’s Craft Technology Lab. After my talk, my wife and I went for a hike to see some of the magnificent mountains that surround Banff. The first real snow of the season came last Sunday.

I took this photo below of Mount Rundle with the Bow River making a loop in the Banff valley. The town is out of the picture to the right.

Tonight I’ve bought a book about the geology of Banff. Mount Rundle is on the cover. It’s called How Old is that Mountain? by Chris Yorath. I want to learn more about this part of the Canadian Rockies and what they’re made of.

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