Boing Boing Staging

Art show: Moira Hahn, Tessar Lo, and Bill Blair


Artists Moira Hahn, Tessar Lo, and Bill Blair have a show of new work opening this Friday at Seattle’s Roq La Rue Gallery. Seen above is Lo’s “Knowledge” (mixed media on paper, 27.5″ x 36″). It drives me wild. From the show description:

Born in Indonesia and raised in Canada, Tessar Lo (Los Angeles) brings a very eastern influenced style into his work. Lo has been influenced by artists such as Takashi Murakami and Yoshitomo Nara and by japanese ukiyo-e printers and other traditional asian techniques. He juxtaposes these traditional influences with current pop culture and music to create his own unique view of the world around him. His is known for his emotionally evocative paintings of young people with giant totemistic animal guardians, most notably tigers. Rather than one note narratives, there is always an ambiguity in each scene, and the viewer never really has a clear sense of who is actually guarding who. The symbolic, majestic creatures are as vulnerable, and as able to achieve a painful sort of transcendence, as we are.

Hahn, Lo, Blair preview

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