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Scary Radio Shorts on Weekend America

John Moe, host of American Public Media’s Weekend America radio show, tells Boing Boing:

For Weekend America’s Halloween show this year we invited some writers to come up with scary stories that last no longer than half a minute. We did it last year too and it was lots of fun. I figure scary stories are fun but honestly who has time for the whole “he walked down the hall, step…by…step” nonsense, GET TO THE ACTION, I always say.

So this year we have an interesting crew: David Rakoff, Dana Gould, comics creator Richard Sala, a children’s book writer, a horror writer, all adhering to the strict 30 seconds or less rule.

It’s on the air tomorrow or found online here: Tales of Terror. Here’s last year’s edition, which featured Neil Gaiman among others.

(photo: peasap, via

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