Perroquet: beautiful slow-motion ambient film and images

Perroquet, a project inspired by science photography and nature documentaries, from fashion photographer Sølve Sundsbø.

Conventional fashion photography allows the image-maker to draw on a wealth of outside creative resources -be it a hair-stylist, make-up artist, or fashion stylist – to enable them to realise their intentions. In Parroquet, the subject matter encouraged Sundsbø to take a somewhat different approach, focusing on one specific element: the movement of the bird in flight.

It was always Sundsbø’s chief intention to document the parroquet using photography and film; both mediums enabling him to steal moments that would normally be missed. Shot in a controlled studio environment using high-speed cameras, the slow-motion shorts show the bird mid-flight. The distinct physical characteristics of the parroquet –its strong curved bill, and its clawed feet– are all visible, but it is the bird’s feathers that are the central focus.

Sundsbø also gives special consideration to the bird’s slender silhouette, by cleverly incorporating shots of its shadow.

The photographs present ‘frozen moments’ of the bird’s journey; rather than showing its full body, the cropped viewpoints bring abstract qualities to Sundsbø’s powerful images.

(ShowStudio, via Clayton Cubitt)