Boing Boing Staging

Playing the Presidential Election Dozens (aka yo mama political fights on Twitter)

There is an epic presidential election themed Yo Mamma Fight going down on Twitter right now. I follow Matt Haughey and Anil Dash, so I saw bits of it in their tweets and, thinking myself clever, tossed out a few and foolishly tried to keep up. But then Anil pointed to the super duper momma-lode, between Fernando Rizo and Lore Sjöberg. Realizing I was out of my league, I gave up and am blogging some of theirs instead:

# Yo mama so fat, she authorized a $700 billion bailout of Dairy Queen.

# yo mama so fat, she thinks the G8 is a Value Meal.

# Yo mama so fat, her other biography is called “The Audacity of Hardee’s.

# Yo mama so fat, the only Supreme Court verdict she wants to overturn is HomeTown Buffet v. Yo Mama.

# Yo mama so fat, she thinks sub-prime is a steak cut.

# Yo mama so fat, McCain refers to her as “Those Ones.”

# Your mama so fat, when they asked which menus she reads, she said “You know, all of ’em.”

# Yo mama’s so ugly, Obama said “You can put lipstick on a pig and it would look a lot like yo mama on dollar margarita night.”

# you moms so fat ACORN registered her to vote *three* times.

# Yo moms so fat Russia can see her from *their* house.

# Yo mama such a ho, the tab for the federal bailout plan is “700 billion dollars, plus fifty cents to have sex with yo mama.”

# your mama so stupid she tried to arrange the genres on her iPod to put Country First.

# yo mama so fat McCain gives patronizing air quotes when he talks about the “health of yo mama”

Well played, dudes. Matt suggests this time-stamped Twitter search link to get you started in the relevant part of @anildash’s feed.

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