Boing Boing Staging

Stickers: Property of the Bavarian Illuminati! Ewige Blumenkraft!

Matt sez, “In the spirit of accurate labeling, such as ‘antibacterial,’ ‘All-natural,’ and ‘Now SLOWER and with MORE BUGS!,’ I’ve made these ‘Property of the Bavarian Illuminati! Ewige Blumenkraft!’ stickers. They should be placed wherever the Illuminati’s influence is painfully obvious, yet conspicuously undeclared!

They’re a homage to one of my favorite authors and a man who knew the value of the absurd, the late Robert Anton Wilson. I’ll have them with me at Maker Faire Austin, for anyone who wants a handful!”

Accuracy in Labeling – Property of the Bavarian Illuminati

(Thanks, Matt!)

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