BART, the Bay Area’s metro line, is debating whether or not to allow drinks on trains. As Schneier points out, there are plenty of reasons to ban drinks on the carpeted (!) trains, like spills. But the BART management have invoked fears of terrorists bearing Super Big Gulps filled with lighter fluid to try to make their point.
Just another stupid terrorism scare? Nope! The BART’s top bosses have clobbered management for invoking terrorism to get their way, calling it “fearmongering.”
Added Director Tom Radulovich, “If somebody wants to break the law and bring flammable liquids on, they can. It’s not like al Qaeda is waiting in their caves for us to have a sippy-cup rule.”
Directing his comments to BART administrators, he said, “You know, it’s just fearmongering and you should be ashamed.”
BART debates allowing drinks on trains
(via Schneier)