Boing Boing Staging

Harry Belafonte's political ballad about the DNC — footage from the lost Smothers Brothers season

Lumnifer sez, “This clip of Harry Belafonte singing an extended political song, ‘Don’t Stop The Carnival,’ with a green screen backdrop of footage from the disastrous 1968 Democratic National Convention, was originally meant to air as part of the season 3 premiere of the 1968 Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour. Many people would be surprised to know that both Belafonte and the Smothers Brothers were very political – in fact, the Smothers Brothers series was cancelled that season for being too overtly political, even going so far as to insult the president and criticize the war! *gasp*”

Doesn’t surprise me in the least — I think being political is what the Smothers Brothers are famous for, no? In any event, Belafonte and the Smothers are both gigantic personal favorites, and this (based, it seems on “Global Carnival?”) is a great song.

Harry Belafonte – Don’t Stop The Carnival

(Thanks, Luminifer!)

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