Boing Boing Staging

Floor "refinished" by drawing on it

Love this floor retrofit: just cover it up with vinyl and draw on it with a fat marker!

It all began when i wanted to get rid of the wooden floors that were in my apartment when i bought it. Tearing it up would be a lot of work(obviously) and stupid(because even if i don’t like it, i know replacing it with plastic floor would lower the value of this apartment remarkably when i’m going to sell it one day).

So i started looking for a way to keep the original floor, but cover it with a white shiny surface. Painting it would possibly ruin the floor, and it would require a complete floor grind. No other solutions seemed to be available. Until i one day saw a roll of self-adhesive vinyl film in the hardware store. People use it for cupboards and car decals, why wouldn’t it work on a floor? The staff at the store said it would never work of course. “It won’t last blah blah blah leave marks blah blah do it proper blah”.

But i was optimistic. I don’t need something to last for 10 years, if it looks good for one year and is easy to remove it’s way better! And it’s cheap too. So i bought a roll and tried it out.

Kitchen floor doodling

(via Neatorama)

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