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Radio news host among protesters arrested at RNC for "conspiracy to riot", National Guard headed in?

Amy Goodman, host of the independent news program “Democracy Now!,” was among hundreds who were arrested in St. Paul Minnesota today. Also detained were Goodman’s producers, Sharif Abdel Kouddous and Nicole Salazar. The three were covering the protests at the Republican National Convention, but the Minneapolis Police Department charged them with conspiracy to riot. Goodman has since been released, but her colleagues are still being held at the time of this blog post. Video embedded above from Rick Rowley and Brandon Jourdan. Democracy Now’s news release about the incident is here. (via @kenyatta)

More on the story: Editor and Publisher, San Francisco Chronicle, and Washington Post, snip below:

“I was down on the convention floor interviewing delegates when I heard that two of our producers had been arrested,” said Goodman. “I ran down to Jackson and 7th Street, where the police had moved in.”

Goodman said that when she ran up to find out what was going on, she was also arrested. “They seriously manhandled me and handcuffed my hands behind my back. The top ID [at the convention] is to get on the floor and the Secret Service ripped that off me. I had my Democracy Now! ID too. I was clearly a reporter.”

Goodman, who was released after being charged with a misdemeanor, said that Salazar had been hurt in the face, while Kouddous had been thrown up against a wall and hurt his elbow.

“Nicole told me that as they moved in on three sides, she asked them ‘How do I get away from this?’ and they jumped on her.”

Update: A group called Cold Snap Legal in the Twin Cities area is offering legal assistance to the hundreds of protesters who were arrested today at the RNC. Here’s their Twitter stream, with lots of updates (thanks, Kyle). Via that Twitter stream, a re-tweet from @tcdailyplanet, 830pm PT: “Credible report of a convoy of National Guard heading toward the Twin Cities on Highway 55 between 8 and 9 p.m., with at least 7 humvees.”

Previously on BB: Report: Massive, warrantless raids on peace protesters in Minneapolis, ahead of RNC.

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