Boing Boing Staging

Yesterday at <i>Boing Boing Gadgets</i>


Yesterday at Boing Boing Gadgets, we dreamed of hordes of puppy sized robots to mow our lawns and glass ray guns for smoking spacey drugs. As a belated head nod to the fourth of July, we looked at fireworks packaging aimed at toddlers.

The problems with ebook readers were discussed, while Brownlee proved completely incompetent at using a hot rod style espresso maker, ultimately perambulating off to Dunkin’ Donuts while muttering “Go to hell, Europe” under his breath.

Joel was impressed by the symbolic gesture of putting even inefficient and expensive solar panels on a Toyota Prius; Rob discovered an eBay slot machine.

Beschizza dismissed a dreadful MacBook Pro rumor with a single, well chosen word, then used a grocery store advertisement to prove why Apple wouldn’t redesign the MBP radically. Meanwhile, the Wall-E GameCube mod was utterly gorgeous, and XBMC for the Mac is coming along swimmingly, even under its new name, Plex.

Finally, we marveled over Darth Vader bobbleheads, NES cartridges that can play themselves and Hello Kitty virus protectors.


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