Boing Boing Staging

Today on <i>Boing Boing Gadgets</i>


Today on Boing Boing Gadgets, we divided the cake to millimeter-accurate precision; bemoaned the cancellation of the MSI Wind subnotebook’s best feature; and wondered why Apple was underselling the speed of AT&T’s HSDPA network. Looking askance at AMD’s derivative advertising tropes, we stood in awe before twittering transvestite Teddy Ruxpin.

Sony Ericsson planted a bunch of new phones: cheap, utilitarian candybars fill the field; an 8.1 Megapixel cameraphone leads it; but their accelerometer-equipped gaming model is by far the cutest.

Joel rode a razzle-dazzle NSX supercar into battle and wondered who on earth buys $6,000 gaming dekstops; John busted a Google Stret View driver and vacuumed his detritus-strewn desk with a USB Hoover; and Rob drooled over yet another superthin laptop–This time from Toshiba–and lamented the final demise of Minox’s TLX spy camera. Digital edition forthwith, s’il vous plait!

We saw a really easy WheelEasy collapsible wheelbarrow; a beach lounger for sun-baked readers; and music industry research claiming that kids would love to pay for music, if only the delivery services were better. Adobe said it’s got flash running on virtualized iPhones; Dracula says he’s found a cure; and boy does Archie McPhee have some floss for you.

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