Today on Boing Boing Gadgets


Today on Boing Boing Gadgets we looked at an iPhone hidden in a Moleskine, the new Robocop, and had Newegg on toast. Joel found a beautiful pollution-themed table, John uneathed Dell's Eee clone–The "Dell E", and Rob spotted Femisapien heading east. There was a dongle that installs OSX on any PC; Nintendo execs screaming "NERRRRRDS!"; and a beautiful Japanese iPod dock.

Then there was the bad: 1Up outed Konami's threats to detain game reviewers who wouldn't sign an NDA and Denon started selling $500 ethernet cables to credulous audiophiles.

Joel also got a preview copy of the Spore 'Creature Creator' and has been busy making monsters to keep him company.

There's always a wonderful note to leave on, though: I dare you not to click on the Garlic Zoom!