Philco-Ford House of the Future, 1967

The Philco-Ford home of tomorrow (as reported upon in the June, 1967 issue of Radio-Electronics) presented a "total electronic concept" for a super-futuristic home where mood walls vied with the holo-TV for your attention, where the scent-organ inserted pleasant smells into the air system, and the dishmaker spat out stoneware on demand.

In the bedroom of the future you sleep in unencumbered comfort. The bed is adjustable, so you don’t have to toss and turn to find the just-right spot for sleeping. You have no blankets; the heat . . . adjusted automatically to compensate for changes in room temperature . . . comes from radiant panels in the ceiling.

The overhead lenticular TV screen allows two people to view separate programs at the same time. The console beside the bed controls TV, music, sleep-inducing sounds and whatever subliminal educational material you want fed into your subconscious while you’re sleeping.
