Boing Boing Staging

BBtv – Google's "Great Firewall of China": Fun with the Billboard Liberation Front and monochrom

The San Francisco-based Billboard Liberation Front has been transforming the world of advertising since 1977. When Austrian art-pranksters and regular BBtv guests monochrom recently visited the United States to spread their Sculpture Mob dogma, a historic meeting with the elusive BLF took place.
BBtv’s hidden cameras captured everything.

And in part two of today’s BBtv episode, Xeni travels with the BLF and monochrom to document their first-ever joint exploit to build “The Great Firewall of China” around one of the Google signs on the internet giant’s Mountain View campus. Hijinks ensued; dogs, cops, and GOOG security guards pursued; TV news crews newsed.

The goal of their “unpaid advertising services”? To draw attention to Google’s role in online censorship within China. As it happened, this particular day was the same day of a Google shareholder meeting, during which related proposals came up for vote.

Link to Billboard Liberation Front press release, and here’s monochrom’s side of the story, there are photos also. Here are previous BBtv episodes with monochrom.

Link to Boing Boing tv episode with discussion and downloadable video.

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