Mark Pescovitz photo show in Indianapolis

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My brother Mark Pescovitz is a transplant surgeon and professor of microbiology and immunology at Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis. He has the busiest travel schedule of anyone I know, flying around the world — from Malaysia to Kenya to China to Turkey — to perform surgery, train doctors in remote regions, present his research, and meet with collaborators. Mark has also enjoyed documentary photography since he was in high school. These days, to maintain his sanity with such a hectic work schedule, he always adds an extra day whenever he visits a new place to just explore the locale with his camera. He treats that day as sacred, keeping it free of commitments.

"I doubt few would consider flying to Manila (a 15 hour non-stop flight) for a one day meeting a “pleasure” trip," he says, "but by bringing my camera and tacking an extra day to wander around shooting photos, the perspective of the trip completlety changes."

The art school at Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis is holding an exhibition of my brother's travel photography. Titled "The Unconventional Tourist," the photos are on view at the Marsh Gallery at Herron School of Art and Design until April 27. Mark is donating any proceeds from the sale of the art to the university's galleries. Seen here, a photograph from Edloret, Kenya. Link

Previously on BB:
• Photo reveals the opposite of recycling Link
• Ladybug group shot Link
• Mark Pescovitz photo Link