A Los Angeles city council member's proposal to curb the mobile meaty meccas known as taco trucks has inspired a veritable online revolution. "Carne asada is not a crime!" proclaim the taco truck defenders. They can have my carnitas burrito when they pry it from my cold, dead hands.

The call to arms:

Led by District 1 County Supervisor Gloria Molina, the L.A. Board of Supervisors has passed new restrictions that will effectively eliminate taco trucks from our streets. Under Supervisor Molina’s new rules, taco trucks will have to change location every hour, or face a misdemeanor charge carrying a $1000 fine and/or jail. Yes, jail.

Taco Trucks are a special facet of Los Angeles, and something we don’t want to lose.

The response — snip from a form letter supporters are sending to Molina:

Taco trucks fill many voids left by traditional restaurants, whether it is more authentic, better food, better hours, or cheaper prices. Furthermore, taco trucks create a sense of community on the streets that enclosed, “brick-and-mortar” stores cannot.
Taco trucks are a special and unique facet of East Los Angeles, and something that I cherish about my neighborhood.

Link (thanks, Jolon Bankey!)