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Rudy Rucker's science fiction webzine Flurb #5 is out

Issue 5 of Flurb, Rudy Rucker’s wonderful, bizarre science fiction ezine, is out. Here’s Rudy’s description: “This issue features a Beat SF story of Rudy Rucker’s in the form of letters from William Burroughs in Tangiers, excerpts of John Shirley’s lost cyberpunk novel Black Glass, Terry Bisson’s hilarious anti-mundane story ‘Captain Ordinary,’ a Lovecraftian novella by Lavie Tidhar, and some amazing pieces by new SF writers.”

One of the other big payoffs in publishing a zine is that every now and then I get a submission that really flips my lid. “Cathedrals,” is Alex Hardison’s first publication, but I think he’s to the purple born. Postcyberpunk!

I was vaguely annoyed by the Mundane SF movement last year — to the point where I wrote a blog entry attacking it. But my fellow-Kentuckian Terry Bisson, always one for the main chance, went ahead and wrote a story “Captain Ordinary” that he thought might appear in Interzone’s Mundane SF issue. But Terry’s sense of humor is such that, from a sober-sided editor’s point of view, it’s as if he were to walk into the office, guffaw, pull down his zipper and piss on the desk. A wonderfully refreshing piece.


See also:
FLURB: Rudy Rucker’s new literary zine
Cory’s “I, Row-Boat” live on Flurb
Rudy Rucker’s science fiction webzine Flurb #2 is out
Rudy Rucker’s science fiction webzine Flurb #3 is out

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