Boing Boing Staging

Bathtub with built-in bookcase

Antonio Lupi’s Biblio free-standing bathtub incorporates a generous book-case for your bathroom reading. I do much of my best reading in the littlest room — the tub, in particular, is conducive to productive reading.


See also:
Bench with integrated bookcases
Armchair incorporates 5m of bookcase
‘Magnetique’ Adjustable Shelf; ‘Storyline’ Sound Wave Shelf
HOWTO make a secret bookshelf door
HOWTO make a bookshelf out of books
Bed built into an “igloo of books”
Equation Bookshelf with nesting parens
Xmas tree made from books
Hang your books from the rafters

Giant freestanding letters with bookshelves inside
Invisible bookshelf – floating stacks of books for your walls
Coffee table with integrated book-shelves like hanging files
Library built into a staircase

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