Here’s a set of free instructions for making your own stylish and functional “row counter” bracelet, a kind of wearable fashionable abacus:
The principle is simple – the smaller beads represent 1s, and the bigger beads represent 10s. When each row is knitted (or crocheted), simply move one small bead through the encircling beaded ring to the other side of the bracelet.When you complete the 10th row, move all the small beads back to the ‘start’, and move one large bead, representing 10, through the ring.
Move small “1” beads through the beaded divider ring one by one as you complete rows, until you reach the 20th row, at which point you move all 9 small beads back to the ‘start’ of the bracelet (which is marked by a charm), and move a second “10” bead through to mark 20 rows – and so on!
(via Craft)