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Rick "Rickroll" Astley interviewed

Over at the Los Angeles Times, David Sarno has posted a funny audio interview with the famed ’80s singer after whom the Rickroll is named. And thank gopod: Rick Astley forswears doing any YouTube remixes of his own. Snip:

Over the last year or so, Astley has watched with puzzled amazement as “Never Gonna Give You Up” has been mocked, celebrated, remixed and reprised, its original music video viewed millions of times on YouTube, all by a generation that could barely swallow its Gerber carrots when the song first topped the pop charts.

“I think it’s just one of those odd things where something gets picked up and people run with it,” Astley said. “But that’s what brilliant about the Internet.”

Link. Oh wait, jeez, sorry! Here you go, there’s your link.

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