Interview with producer of swords and sorcery themed porn

Village Voice interviews porn producer Dez, who says he got bored of making gonzo porn and applied his talents toward making porn based on World of Warcraft. He calls the Web-based video series Whorelore: Swords, Sorcery, and Sex.

Whorelore, now in its second season, started in 2006 as Dez’s “labor of love.” He’d already starred in over 600 porn titles–most famously, he says, Rectal Rooter and Dez’s Dirty Weekend–before venturing behind the camera. “Whorelore had always been something I wanted to do,” he explains. “I’ve been playing Dungeons & Dragons since the time I was eight, and I love World of Warcraft. Besides, I was bored doing Gonzo porn. [In the past] they’ve done porn with knights and bare maidens and stuff like that, but they’ve never added magic or anything cool.” So Dez decided to “step it up a notch,” throwing in low-grade special effects, a storyline, and a geek’s affectionate attention to detail. Originally he called his new project Whorecraft, but had to change the title due to some hush-hush legal flack from “you know who.” Read: Blizzard Entertainment, the company that runs World of Warcraft and looks out for its good name. (A Blizzard spokesperson declined to comment on the name change, saying the company doesn't publicly discuss legal issues.)

A little legal action hasn’t stopped Dez from accomplishing his goal to show the world how hot it’d be if WOW's sensual elves swallowed. And Whorelore doesn’t stop at sweet elf love. Often shot outdoors for a more rustic, “medieval” feel, the six, half-hour episodes in season one feature everything from two armor-clad, busty blonde warriors making out on a boulder to a masturbating troll (i.e. a woman painted entirely green moaning with a Jamaican accent). Playing off an old video game joke, Dez called episode one "Rogues Do it From Behind," and episode four, “Man Hunt,” has Dez’s characters encountering a real live bear–though, thankfully, it doesn’t join in on the fun. The second season of six more 30-minute episodes is still in production, but the Whorelore website describes it as a struggle between light and dark, with a villain “capable of vanquishing those who thrive for harmony.” Don’t worry, that just means there’s a magical nympho who likes to deep-throat elf ears.

Link (Thanks, Bill!)