Boing Boing Staging

Tales from the <i>Boing Boing Gadgets</i>


Recently on Boing Boing Gadgets we took a look at Fright Catalog (dot com’s) wondrous animatronic monsters, HP’s entry into the UMPC/Eee subnotebook space, a belt-fed NERF cannon, upcoming multitouch interfaces from Apple, a kitchen device that works more or less as a steak toaster, a weightlessness-simulating treadmill, the thought that goes into designing a low-end camcorder, a gee-whiz linear propulsion toy, a documentary about circuit bending, a concept emergency shelter in a 50-gallon drum (and some ideas I have about blogging from the forest this spring), the hopefully impending death of The Sharper Image, a game that plays with the idea of a 2D character in a 3D world, a headset that reads your thoughts to control games, and a tortuous puzzle box in which to stow gifts. And deals and retro links.

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