Boing Boing Staging

Scans of 1950s kids' Valentine's Day cards


James D. Kimberlin says:

This is a flickr set of 1950’s Valentines Day Cards that I scanned. I’m an avid garage saler who came across 4 large scrap books of cards. I have been wanting to use them for a project and have finally gotten around to scanning them.

They include Valentine’s Day, Easter, Christmas and Birthday cards, all dating from the 1950s. The scrapebooks are from a set of twin boys Vin (Elvin) and Don. There are some great classic cards in the set. I cleaned them all up and silo’d them.

Please feel free to download any and all and share them. I also Have higher res versions of most of them, so if anyone needs those Please feel free to contact me.

Also, I have a large assortment of Other cards, Easter, Birthday etc. if anyone is interested.


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