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Voytek, the drinking, smoking soldier bear — will he get his memorial?

A campaign is afoot to build a memorial to Voytek, a soldier-bear who fought alongside the Polish army at the Battle of Monte Cassino, carrying ammunition. After the war, Voytek lived out his days in the Edinburgh Zoo, occasionally visited by his old army buddies who tried to slip him the cigarettes and beer he’d come to enjoy while serving in the army.

When Polish forces were deployed to Europe the only way to take the bear with them was to “enlist” him.

So he was given a name, rank and number and took part in the Italian campaign.

He saw action at Monte Cassino before being billeted – along with about 3,000 other Polish troops – at the army camp in the Scottish Borders.

The soldiers who were stationed with him say that he was easy to get along with.

“He was just like a dog – nobody was scared of him,” said Polish veteran Augustyn Karolewski, who still lives near the site of the camp.


(Thanks, Grey!)


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