Yuri’s Night Bay Area 2008 call for artists, scientists

Each year, a string of Yuri’s Night World Space Parties around the globe celebrate humankind’s first foray into space. That first human was Russian Cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin, on April 12, 1961. The events are a lot of fun (I hosted one in Texas, had a blast!), and the 2008 Bay Area edition is calling for artists and scientists — deadline is February 8.

We’re looking for visionaries of the sciences and arts to join our celebration: artists who love science, scientists who love art, and those who blur the line between all disciplines. Exhibit or demonstrate your works in the spacious NASA hangars or adjoining tarmac and structures.
ively for installations, performances and demonstrations.

This is an exciting opportunity for unique collaboration between the science world and the art world. We encourage partnerships between scientific and artistic minds and may be able to assist in partnering.

We are looking for: New installations of all sizes and types, interactive works, sound works, light works, large-scale sculpture, live demonstrations, working models, table top demonstrations, prototypes, new technology, presentations, impromptu lectures, and unique performances from international and local artists. We are also seeking new video works documenting arts, humanities, performances, installations and microgravity works.


UPDATE: Organizer Matt Hancher (of the NASA/Google Planetary Content Team at NASA Ames) says:

Thanks for posting the Yuri's Night call for proposals to Boing Boing! Unfortunately, the event website doesn't yet have info about how to
propose. Anyone who's interested can send email to proposals@worldspaceparty.org
to get more info.


  • Yuri's Night: spacemen branded me with Yuri Gagarin's head!