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Vegetarian survival kit

Vegetarians In Paradise has a page outlining what a vegetarian might need in his or her survival kit to prepare for hurricanes, earthquakes, tsunamis, terrorist attacks, or the coming apocalypse. (Some of the suggestions are from a book that sounds like a lot of survivalist fun, titled “Apocalypse Chow: How to Eat Well When the Power Goes Out.” The majority of tips come from the site’s readers. Here are a few suggestions from a reader who urges vegetarians to “focus on protein sources:”

2. You may be able to get vegan food in a disaster, but you can count on NOT getting vegan protein. For that reason your survival kit should focus on protein sources.

3. My basics for the car and work are canned beans and bean-based soups, tetrapak soup (Imagine), individual packs of soymilk, vegan (Clif) energy bars and crackers. SELECT LOW-SODIUM ITEMS, AS YOUR DIET MAY CONSIST ENTIRELY OF THESE FOODS. Since you may not have access to fresh fruit or vegetables for a while, also keep some vitamins or (my choice) Emergen-C packets on hand. I also keep a small bottle of spirits (vodka, brandy, etc.). Sometimes it’s just what you (or others) need to relax–and it can be used as an antiseptic….

6. Another item people should store away from home is a can of powdered soy or rice protein. I would assume that for several days, one would have access to bread, crackers, dried and canned fruits etc. from one’s work cafeteria, local stores, people’s houses, etc. The difficult thing will be vegan protein–and vitamin C.

Link to Vegetarians in Paradise, Link to buy Apocalypse Chow (via Further: Strange Attractor & Beyond)

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