Boing Boing Staging

Today on <I>Boing Boing Gadgets</i>

Today on Boing Boing Gadgets I had a little conniption over the radio you see above, which I proceeded to buy. After I got over the retail shock, we looked at razors made from recycled yogurt cups, fiberglass propane tanks, an odd mouse and keyboard replacement, a pressurized backpack canteen bag, a spot cleaner with a built-in UV stain detector, Greenpeace’s swipe at Nintendo, the Blip Festival and its participants, Harmonix’s confirmation of broken Rock Band guitars (but nothing about broken drums), a mount for putting your TV on a tow hitch, a coffee table ottoman that is not a pillow (no sir!), an intriguing prototype device that can guess your desired function based on the way it is held, a two-person toilet (seriously), speculative Apple concepts, a knife-sharpener that lots of readers raved about, and an incredibly junky (but cheap!) projector. And deals and salted assorted links.

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