Boing Boing Staging

Ceci n'est pas un turkey (Turkey-shaped Jell-O Mold 2007 Competition)

Each year around this time, BB pal Danielle Spencer hosts a dinner party and contest in which guests bring “turkey-shaped” dishes which are not, in fact, comprised of turkey. “Here’s this year’s turkeyfest,” she says, “Sushi turkey, chicken noodle soup turkey, and here, spam turkey.”

Now, before you fussbudgets let loose in the comments about how this one doesn’t really look like a turkey, I’ll just say that the Guac-a-Bird (Avacado mousse) and the Lime Jello Turkey look far more convincingly turkoid. WORK WITH ME, people. This is ART.

From the curator’s notes:

Spam Turkey: Adam’s conceptual tour-de-force unfurls the symbolic activity of language itself, a sandwich of meat and meaning. Spam comes from spam, as it turns out.


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