Boing Boing Staging

Sally Cruikshank's amazing '70s and '80s animation: video

BoingBoing reader Clifton says,

Most of Sally Cruikshank’s fabulous animated works from the 1970s on are available at YouTube: Link.

She’s uploaded them there herself. Very cool stuff, including a number of animations she did for Sesame Street. Her work is wonderfully surreal, constantly-changing and flowing animation.

The piece I totally go wild for, in particular, is “Face Like A Frog” (1987): Video link.

It’s kind of Halloween-spooky themed, with music by Danny Elfman and the Mystic Knights (the original persona of Oingo Boingo.) I first saw it on ‘Alive From Off Center’ on PBS in the ’80s. “Don’t go in the basement!”

Man, my only complaint on the videos is the painfully lossy compression. The beauty of her animation work is those fast-morphing, flat pools of vivid color. YouTube craps that up so mercilessly. Sigh.

Link to Ms. Cruikshank’s website, where you can purchase more recent original art. Hey, she has a blog now, too! And posts her paintings to Flickr. Image above: “Casting Session,” one of her wonderfully weird expressionist paintings.

UPDATE: Oh, excellent! All of these Cruikshank videos, including “Face Like a Frog,” are available in far better quality on Brightcove: Link.

Reader comment: Aaron B says,

The Sally Cruikshank post reminded me of the great
sequence she did for the 1983 Twilight Zone movie: Video Link.

Reader comment: Gary Peare of ukelelia points us to the missing ukelele connection:

Don’t forget the Sally Cruikshank post we have on Ukulelia. R. Crumb Cheap Suit Serenaders Bob Armstrong and Al Dodge did music for at least two of her animated classics! Link.

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