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Happy birthday, Charles Fort!

Today is the birthday of Charles Fort (August 6, 1874 – May 3, 1932), highly-influential researcher of anomalous phenomena. He nearly lived in libraries studying bizarre news events–from frogs falling from the sky, to mysterious appearances and disappearances, to UFOs. Everything he encountered, he looked at with his mind wide open. Quite simply, Fort didn’t believe in belief. In celebration of Fort, here’s a great Fort quote hand-picked by my cryptozoologist/Fortean pal Loren Coleman:

“We are not realists. We are not idealists. We are intermediatists – that nothing is real, but that nothing is unreal: that all phenomena are approximations one way or the other between realness and unrealness.” –Charles Fort, Lo!

Link to Fort’s Wikipedia page,
Link to buy The Complete Books of Charles Fort, Link to Cryptomundo post, Link to Fortean Times

Previously on BB:

• Philosophy of Charles Fort Link
• 1948 Fate magazine article about Charles Fort Link

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