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What happened to the kids in famous news events?

Mental Floss has a round-up of what happened to kids who were the subject of famous human interest stories in recent years.


That Kid: Who Got Stuck Down a Well

The Story: Back in 1987, an 18-month old “Baby Jessica” McClure captured the nation’s attention when she tumbled into an old well in her aunt’s backyard. Emergency workers piped fresh air and heat into the well, and expert miners spent 58 straight hours digging a parallel shaft 22 feet into the ground to rescue her. While healthy at the moment, The Today Show reported that Jessica has undergone 15 surgeries and 9 blood transfusions since reemerging.

The Post-Puberty Report: Adult Jessica seems to be, pardon the phrase, well-adjusted. Now 21, she’s married, has a child, and according to all reports, remains thoroughly down-to-earth. In fact, she’s refused to get plastic surgery to cover up her scars because it reminds her to be thankful for her life. Of course, she’ll probably be even more thankful for her life in 4 years. That’s when a trust fund, set up in her name with public donations, should kick a few million dollars her way.


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