Boing Boing Staging

Alpha the Robot Meets Zorine, Queen of the Nudists, 1935

John Brownlee says,

In 1935, the San Diego City Council threw an Exposition to help boost the local Depression-era economy. Amongst the hundreds of exhibits that were shown at the Expo were Alpha the Robot and Zorine, Queen of the Nudists. At some point during the Expo, Alpha the Robot wandered into the nudist colony in Balboa Park and spent the day frolicking with Zorine and her constabulary of hot, topless, buxom girls. Of the shots that captured Alpha’s lustful adventure, one in particular — in which he wraps his servo-controlled arms around the voluptuous waists of eight bronzed nudists — is perhaps the most memorable photograph of the great Depression.

Link to a post by John at with much more.

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