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Diesel's "bioluminescent mechanic cephalopod" runway show: video

BB reader Jeremy Tolbert says,

Fashion designer Diesel recently held a fashion show in Florence that featured 3D holographic sea creatures accompanying the fashion designs. The art is amazing and very fluid, like creatures from the deep sea or another world. The technology behind it seems similar to the recent live appearance by the Gorillaz at an awards show.

Link to photos and writeup at Creative Review, and here’s the entire “Liquid Space” show on Youtube: Video Link. The reviewer describes the hologram quality as “incredible,” and even from the shitty YT footage, you can see this is accurate.

Previously on BoingBoing:

  • Fashion show promises bioluminescent mechanic cephalopods

    Reader comment: Spence says,

    I don’t believe this is a hologram, but an incarnation of the Flying Spaghetti Monster. It’s obviously taking a public event to show itself in all its grandeur. Maybe Diesel has proven to be a loyal follower and this is the reward!

    Anonymous sez,

    From the article, it appears that Diesel’s “bioluminescent mechanic cephalopods” were not actually holigrams. Like the Gorillaz Grammy performance (or the ghosts in Disney’s Haunted Mansion), they were created using the pepper’s ghost effect, in which an image is reflected off of a glass-like (or in this case mylar) surface between the stage and the audience. More info on the tech behind the Gorillaz performance in the link.

    dustin says,

    just wanted to mention that the picture shown on the post is not a cephalopod (literally “head-foot” like an octopus: Link), but more likely some sort of angler fish (Link) or imagined variant.. my bio degree has definitely fallen into disuse, but i’m fairly sure on this one.

    love me some boingboing, :)

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