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Breaking: Transformers movie "kind of sucks"

BoingBoing reader Jay was one of many old-school Transformers fans who wrote in to share the breaking news that Michael Bay’s bloated epic is lovely, but kind of sucks:

I went to a media screening of Transformers last night, and I’ll give it a full set of 10 shiny, golden stars for the most brilliant design and amazing effects I think I’ve ever seen. Now I’ll quickly take them all back because the script, direction and editing were perhaps the worst I’ve ever endured. Seriously, how many poignant love stories, wrong-side-of-the-tracks childhoods, comic relief black men and all-American-world-savers can you jam into one giant alien robot movie? I’ll proudly be wearing this awesome t-shirt when I hunt down Michael Bay and stab him in the face-eye.


See also on BB:

  • Breaking: Transformers movie “actually kind of rad”
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